Responsible Disclosure

Report an IT vulnerability

If you discover vulnerabilities in ABUS products, IT systems or web applications, please inform us before publishing this information.

We will check the vulnerability found as quickly as possible and rectify it depending on technical feasibility. Please note that this does not constitute authorisation to carry out vulnerability tests on ABUS IT systems or web applications. 

Please complete the following form, which will be sent to our security experts. We will endeavour to give you prompt feedback on the further progress. Your contact details will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. ABUS does not offer any rewards for vulnerabilities found.

Depending on your consent, our feedback will include the following:

  • Confirmation of receipt of your report
  • The assessment of the vulnerability and any queries

Mandatory fields are marked with *

About the vulnerability

Are you planning to publicise the vulnerability?


May we contact the e-mail address provided if we have any questions about the vulnerability?

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