Woman gains access to the office building via chip

TECTIQ Update Terminal The intelligent real-time intermediary

Validate, update & log

When new access authorisations are issued, changes made to the key plan or user profiles updated, the locking media must also be updated. Updates are carried out decentrally for all persons (employees and other authorised persons with locking media) via intelligent network-integrated control units with connected RFID readers, called update terminals.

TECTIQ update terminals simultaneously grant access to the building by activating electronic locking components such as electric door openers, motorised locks or barriers. This is why they are generally placed at main and staff entrances. In addition, information on access events and battery warnings for used door components are also fed back into the system when the locking media are presented at the update terminal.

We will be happy to advise you:

Free consultation



  1. Send us your enquiry with a few key details about the property
  2. We will contact you and advise you on the phone or on site via our project managers
  3. We can provide information on leasing options on request

We will be happy to advise you individually on the basis of initial information.

Do you have direct questions about access control for your property? Then you can also reach us directly by phone at:

+ 49 8207 959 90-456

(Mon to Thu from 8:00 - 17:00 and Fri from 8:00 - 14:00)

Mandatory fields are marked with *

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