BORDO™ Lite 6055/60 red


Follow the trend with the right lock

E-scooters are currently all the rage and maybe even a trend for years to come. Attention in many cities is riding high! Surely you're already rolling with the trend…..

E-scooters have a high cost value and should be secured accordingly. We have the right solution for you. On this page, you can find the current range of ABUS locks for e-scooters.


As the shape of the e-scooter makes locking difficult, you should take the following aspects into account:
The e-scooter must be secured in a way where it cannot be pulled out of the lock by being rotated and flipped over. For this reason, the lock should also comply with certain requirements to prevent theft.

This way your e-scooter is incorrectly connected ©ABUS
Incorrectly connected
This way your e-scooter is correctly connected ©ABUS
Correctly connected

Tip 1: Make sure that you don't just lock your scooter but also connect it to a sturdy object. Ideally, you wrap the lock around the frame so the scooter cannot be lifted out of the lock (illustration on the right)

Tip 2: Do not forget to secure your scooter at home as well—even in your driveway or garage.

And one more tip: Always carry your lock with you—and use it!


Generally, you should only use locks with a maximum length of 85 cm. ABUS offers a selection of chain, shackle and folding locks. Find the lock that's right for you.

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